Television Update on Baby-Body-Parts-Trafficking Story
In 2015, the world was shocked by a series of undercover videos that documented Planned Parenthood was trafficking in baby body parts. Since that time, the key producers behind the videos, David Daleiden and his colleague, Sandra Merritt, have been hauled before the courts of California. They face financial ruin for having blown the whistle on this. Former Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris, now the Vice President of the country, began the prosecution (persecution?) of Daleiden and Merritt for telling the truth. The next attorney general of California, Xavier Baccera, continued this prosecution—and now he has been nominated by President Biden to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is a television expose produced by Jerry Newcombe for D. James Kennedy Ministries on this topic. (Pictured is the California state capital in Sacramento.)