Vocal Point-A. J. Rice

Topic: Fighting Wokeness.

The founders of America passed the First Amendment, which not only guarantees religious freedom, but it expressly says that Congress shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press. And yet in our day, cancel culture has chilling effect on free speech. 60 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said we should strive to become a color-blind society. But today, the left promotes DEI, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, which conservatives argue completely contradicts Dr. King’s vision. Coming on such things is A.J. Rice, the president & CEO of Publius PR, Editor-in-Chief of The Publius National Post, and the author of a new book, called, The White Privilege Album: Publius Prose: Volume 2. A.J. Rice joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the problem of Wokism and how it is out of step with traditional American freedom, including the goal of a color-blind society. www.wokingdeadbook.com