Vocal Point-Ben Quine
Topic: Biblical Worldview
When America was founded, the framers had, for the most part, a Biblical worldview. Just a few examples: Our rights come from God. Because of God, power rests in “the consent of the governed.” Man is sinful. Therefore, we must have separation of powers. But today even many professing Christians in effect lack a cohesive Biblical Worldview. The ministry, Christians Engaged, writes: “Today we are facing a constant battle of ideas, especially over the basic questions of life. The answers to these questions make up our worldview, and they impact every area of our lives and every decision we will ever make. Our worldviews ultimately impact our whole society, either guiding it to safety or dashing it against the rocks. Tragically, our culture has embraced false beliefs that lead to hopelessness, violence, and death.” Christians Engaged has now created, Biblical Worldview Curriculum. Ben Quine, one of the co-authors of this new curriculum, joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the importance of having a Biblical worldview. www.christiansengaged.org