Vocal Point-Bill Federer

Topic: Is God Relevant to America?

Recently, at Jimmy Carter’s stateside funeral, they had “Imagine” by John Lennon performed. This song is essentially an atheistic creed. “Imagine there’s no heaven, no hell, no religion.” As humans we’re just alone. So let’s have peace and no wars. Yada, yada, yada. Carter was a professed Christian, but conservatives noted, he governed to the left. I even wrote about the cognitive dissonance of “Imagine” being sung at President Carter’s funeral. Is God critical to the American Experiment? One can’t help but feel that if the secular humanists had their way, references to God would be expunged from the public arena in America. William J. Federer is a best-selling author and highly sought after public speaker. One of the books he put together (with his wife, Susan) is on “Miracles” in American history, especially in answer to prayer. He has also written America’s God and Country and Who Is the King in America? (Short answer to the question in the title of the book: We are.) Bill Federer joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this. www.americanminute.com