Vocal Point-Brian Fisher
Topic: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo has emerged as a strong leader fighting against COVID-19. However, he is about as pro-abortion as one can get. Brian Fisher, the president of a prolife organization called Human Coalition, recently wrote an open letter to the governor, asking him to reconsider this contradiction—pro-abortion and supposedly pro-human life. Writes Fisher to Gov. Cuomo: “You have championed the needs of the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable in New York. We commend your efforts in this regard. However, as you lead the front in combatting the outbreak of COVID-19 in New York State, we urge you to also consider the most vulnerable population group of all: preborn children.” Brian Fisher joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss his open letter. www.humancoalition.org
Here is the open letter:
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
Friday, April 24, 2020
Dear Governor Cuomo:
Human Coalition is a life-affirming healthcare organization that provides for and promotes the empowerment of women, children and the betterment of society. We serve tens of thousands of women each year and have rescued over 16,000 children from the practice of abortion.
In recent weeks, you have emerged as a clear and ardent supporter of vulnerable human life. Under your leadership, New York has rushed to protect its citizens from the fatal impacts of COVID-19. You have championed the needs of the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable in New York. We commend your efforts in this regard.
However, as you lead the front in combatting the outbreak of COVID-19 in New York State, we urge you to also consider the most vulnerable population group of all: preborn children.
So far, there have been over 45,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. This is a truly sobering number. We grieve the loss of these precious human lives.
However, as we consider the gravity of this loss of human life, we must remember that the total death toll from coronavirus in the U.S. over the course of several months is equal to the number of deaths from abortion in just twenty-one days.
Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, amounting to one out of every three deaths per day. And New York State consistently has the highest abortion rate in the country. In 2017, over 105,000 babies lost their lives to abortion in New York. In New York City alone, one in every three pregnancies is terminated by abortion.
We ask you to reconsider your position on abortion in light of your ardent and passionate defense of vulnerable, born populations in New York.
You have said that the choice between life and the economy is a “false choice” or really no choice at all. You have said that New Yorkers will not accept the premise that “human life is dispensable.” You have pledged to “fight every way we can to save every life that we can.
Because that’s what I think it means to be an American.” We applaud the powerful pro-life witness of your words. But we ask you: is not the decision of whether or not to value the lives of the preborn also a false choice? Our mothers, our sisters, our brothers, and our grandparents are not expendable. But neither are our pre-born children. You rightly reject the idea that “human life is dispensable.” Because preborn children are, scientifically and medically, also human lives, will you also consider protecting them and advocating for them the way you have done so for potential victims of COVID-19?
The same passion, money, resources and attention that we give to COVID-19 victims should also be given to the victims of abortion, all of which are definitive members of the human race. To do otherwise is to practice that sort of selective human valuation and selective human discrimination that you publicly condemn. Last year, you signed into law the Reproductive Health Act, an abortion bill that practically guarantees the loss of more lives to abortion in New York State than ever before. But Governor Cuomo, this bill and your current actions to protect victims of COVID-19 are in conflict. Please reconcile that conflict.
We pray that you would realize the weight of your own statements and reconsider your position on abortion.
Respectfully, Brian Fisher