Vocal Point-Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt

Topic: Religious Freedom of Military Chaplains Today.

Chaplains in America are older than the nation. This includes military chaplains and legislative chaplains. America’s first great historian George Bancroft said during the time of the Revolutionary War: “Eloquent chaplains kept alive the custom of daily prayer and weekly sermons.” Also during the war, some were encouraged to serve as chaplains, if they were not inclined to soldier. When George Washington first received a copy of the Declaration of Independence on July 9, 1776, he made an order to hire chaplains in every regiment. But today is the religious freedom chaplains at risk? Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, the founder of Praying In Jesus Name Ministries based in Colorado, joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss challenges for military chaplains today from the “progressive” left. www.prayinjesusname.org