Vocal Point-David Kupelian
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the shooting victims in the Parkland, Florida school. David Kupelian is an award-winning American journalist, vice president and managing editor of online news giant WorldNetDaily (WND.com), editor of Whistleblower magazine, and columnist. Kuplian is the author of the books, “The Marketing of Evil,” “How Evil Works,” and “The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture.” After the shooting, he wrote a column called “Media Ignoring One Crucial Factor in Florida School Shooting.” That factor deals with medications and how shooter after shooter has been on drugs of one sort or another. Nonetheless, there are millions of fellow Americans on those drugs who do not engage in such wicked acts. David Kupelian provides food for thought as he joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this issue. www.themarketingofevil.com