Vocal Point-Dr. Joe Wheeler

Topic: “Christmas in My Heart”

A wonderful series of touching books are the “Christmas in My Heart” volumes (now up to 28 separate books) compiled by Dr. Joe Wheeler, who used to be a teacher (including at the college level). His website notes: “Wheeler was later blindsided by a 1992 event, when, according to him, ‘God booted me out of the classroom into a full-time ministry of stories.’ Out of it have come 102 books and counting, 84 of them being story anthologies. Sixteen publishing houses have made this possible. Not just any stories, but rather stories that move the reader so deeply that they prove all but impossible to forget; and the stories incorporate values worth living by.” Jerry Newcombe interviews Dr. Joe Wheeler, who has been putting this best-selling series together for years. www.joewheelerbooks.com

Originally Published December 17, 2015