Vocal Point-Dr. John Trent
Topic: Children and their Relationships with OthersDr. John Trent is a respected expert and author on family matters. During the pandemic, most of the schools were closed. Even now some are opened; some are not. Dr. Trent, a Focus on the Family (FOTF) Associate, comments, “For more than a year, the pandemic has forced our children into screen-based relationships. Anxiety, fear, and loneliness are at epidemic proportions with children and young adults. Where children have really lost ground is in their ability to relate with others.” Along with Dr. Dewey Wilson, John Trent has written a new book, “The Relationally Intelligent Child: Five keys to helping your kids connect well with others.” FOTF notes, “Drawing on current science and timeless wisdom, he stresses parents can regain their own relational intelligence (RI) and impact their children as the world reopens.” Dr. John Trent joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this concept of “relational intelligence” and why it’s important to our children and grandchildren. www.therelationallyintelligentchild.com