Vocal Point-Dr. Paul Kengor
Dr. Paul Kengor is a pro-life author of books and articles. He teaches political science and history at Grove City College. When Cecile Richards announced her retirement recently at Planned Parenthood, Dr. Kengor wrote an article called: “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.” These are not Kengor’s sentiments, but rather those of former President Barack Obama.
Kengor describes “a love-fest at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington on April 26, 2013” between Obama and Richards and the whole Planned Parenthood organization: “’I love you!’ shouted one of the abortion girls. ‘I love you back,’ responded the abortion president. It was a mutual-admiration society: each side in gratitude to the other for keeping the doors of America’s abortion mills open and for the added plus of forcing taxpayers to grease the cogs and wheels and blades inside.” Dr. Paul Kengor joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the deadly legacy Cecile Richards leaves behind. www.visionandvalues.org