Vocal Point-Dr. Paul Kengor

Recently, there was a movie made that many of us never thought would be. It dealt with Ted Kennedy’s car accident in 1969 that resulted in the death of a young girl. Dr. Paul Kengor is a history and political science professor (at Grove City College), as well as an author on books related to politics and Communism. In a recent article (spawned by the movie), entitled, “The Kremlin’s Dupe: Ted Kennedy’s Russia Romance,” Kengor noted, “The full story of his collusion with Moscow needs retelling no less than Chappaquiddick did. As the film Chappaquiddick brings Ted Kennedy’s ugliest public scandal to the big screen, I here propose a sequel of equally high drama and even higher stakes, rising to the highest levels of national security. It was another Kennedy outrage, made more scandalous by the Massachusetts senator’s protectors in the press.” Dr. Paul Kengor joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss some of the outrageous overtures Senator Kennedy made to Russia during the height of the Cold War because of Kennedy’s intense disagreement with the politics of President Reagan. www.visionandvalues.org