Vocal Point-Dr. Paul Kengor

Topic: Liberalism in College

Mayor Pete’s progress on the campaign trail has been phenomenal, whatever your politics happens to be. Dr. Paul Kengor, best-selling author, columnist, and professor at Grove City College, wrote about what he calls, “Mayor Pete’s Rainbow Army.” Kengor says, “A friend informs me of a young lady from his hometown and home church. Valedictorian of her classical Christian high school, she was a solid evangelical raised in an evangelical home, an evangelical church, and by evangelical parents. ‘Guess what she did for break?,’ my friend asks me. ‘She headed to Iowa to volunteer for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign.’ Why anyone would think that Pete Buttigieg is qualified to be president is a mystery. An even greater mystery would be why a conservative evangelical girl would spend her college break knocking on doors for a cultural radical to be president of the United States. Actually, it’s no mystery. The answer is right in front of you: she’s in college.” Dr. Paul Kengor joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the problem of liberalism within colleges today. www.visionandvalues.org