Vocal Point-Ed Martin
Topic: Planned Parenthood Versus the Right to Life.
The founders of America said we have been endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, and among these are the right to life. But abortion has significantly undermined the right to life. The leading organization conducting abortions and promoting them is Planned Parenthood. There’s a group called STOPP…as in Stop Planned Parenthood. Recently, they published an article, to which we’ll link, on Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report. The leader of STOPP is Ed Martin, who notes, “The Planned Parenthood annual report reveals that the abortion giant is growing at a breathtakingly fast rate. Its revenue is up, both in tax dollar contributions and private donations. The number of contacts with people seeking abortion is up. And of course, the raw numbers for abortions are up. That’s terrible news for those of us trying to save lives.” Ed Martin joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss Planned Parenthood versus the right to life. www.all.org/stopp