Vocal Point-Eric Scheidler

Eric Scheidler is the director of the Pro-Life Action League. Recently they had a banner day with a banner campaign to unfurl a pro-life message to be seen by 100s of 1000s of commuters in various cities across the country. Scheidler writes: “With reports coming in from teams in more than 50 cities across the United States, we estimate that well over 1,000,000 highway commuters saw our banners reading, ‘Abortion takes a human life.’…Pro-life banners were displayed in all weathers, including heavy rain in several Midwestern cities and extreme heat in the South, with temperatures topping out at 103 degrees in Waco, Texas. Response from the public was quite positive; as the leader in Akron, Ohio, reported: ‘In all my years of doing witnessing, I’ve never heard as many car horns and seen as many thumbs up or waving to us as we did today!’” Eric Scheidler joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this campaign and other current pro-life concerns. www.prolifeaction.org