Vocal Point-Frank Gaffney
For years, many in our society have taken the word of the Southern Poverty Law Center (the SPLC) as gospel. If they said so-and-so was an extremist of hate or that a certain organization was a supposed “hate group,” then so be it. The problem is that the SPLC has labeled many legitimate Christian ministries and jihad-watchdog groups as supposed “haters.” One of the latter groups is founded by Frank Gaffney, who served in the Reagan Administration. He founded the Center for Security Policy. Recently, the SPLC was sued by another group they called a hate group—a group founded by an ex-radical Muslim. The SPLC settled with him and publically apologized to him and paid him more than $3 million. Frank Gaffney joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this recent development. www.securefreedom.org