Vocal Point-Geoff Rogers

The focus of this segment is on human trafficking, especially of the sexual kind. Geoff Rogers is the co-founder and CEO of the U. S. Institute Against Human Trafficking. Recently, he wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner on how to fight human trafficking. What we need, he said, are “TraffickingFreeZones.” He notes, “Drug-free zones came about in the 1970s, in response to a growing concern about drugs being sold to children in schools. Since then, drug-free zones have been a critical component in America’s war on drugs….We need a similar strategy to deter those who are considering buying sex. That’s why the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking has created the TraffickingFree Zone program, a national initiative implemented on county levels to reduce the number of buyers for sex-trafficked victims.” Geoff Rogers joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss “Trafficking Free Zones.” www.usiaht.org