Vocal Point-Herbie Newell
Topic: Vulnerable Children.
One of the key building blocks in society is the family. The settlers and founders of America noted that our Constitution will only work with a religious and moral populace. Family is one of the keys to transmitting values from one generation to the next. Fast Forward to today and we see there are many children at risk. Pinkston Communications writes, “A new study from America First Policy Institute reports that 391,000 vulnerable children in the U.S. are currently in foster care and face a critical need for improvements in the system. Reform is necessary to better support foster families, with 3.2 million paternal, maternal or double orphans in this country. Lifeline Children’s Services, one of the largest child welfare agencies in the country, facilitates adoption and foster care programs to help place vulnerable children in stable, loving homes.” Herbie Newell, the president and executive director of Lifeline Children’s Services, joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss vulnerable children. www.lifelinechild.org