Vocal Point-Hollywood Morris
Topic: Defund the Police or Defend the Police?
There has been a lot of talk in the last few years about defunding the police. It should be noted that in those places where they tried that it was a disaster for the residents—especially the poor ones who had no means to leave the unsafe neighborhoods. Hollywood Morris (whose real name is Henry Morris) has been involved in multimedia programs for churches and non-profit organizations across the country. A few years ago, he became fed up with the defund the police and other anti-police messages. Now he’s involved in something called, “Support Our Shields.” He writes, “Support Our Shields is dedicated to those brave men and women who are heroes that risk their lives every day in order to protect and serve. Our mission is to support police officers by combating negative stereotypes and narratives that are rampant today by encouraging positive police and community interaction.” Hollywood Morris of Support Our Shields joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the issue: Defund the Police or Defend the Police? www.supportourshields.com