Vocal Point-Jarrett Stepman
Topic: The War on American History
Jarrett Stepman of the Heritage Foundation has stated, “Mobocracy is coming to America. A debate over policing, race, and history has degenerated into general lawlessness, as mobs have swarmed and destroyed statues in our biggest cities from coast to coast. And these mobs have hardly been discriminating. They’ve targeted Christopher Columbus, Founding Fathers, Confederate generals, Union generals, abolitionists, black Civil War units, priests, and even a novelist.” Immediately after Thanksgiving, there were more statues vandalized in America, including that of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Stepman, a contributor to The Daily Signal wrote the book called, The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past. Jarrett Stepman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the ongoing war against America as founded. www.dailysignal.org