Vocal Point-Jarrett Stepman-re California Fires (originally posted long ago—but still a relevant discussion)

NOTE: This podcast was originally posted on January 8…2018. Pray for the folks in California. -JN 1-8-25

California and wildfires is the topic. Is it possible that some of the supposedly pro-environmental statures taken by the Golden State contribute to the ongoing problem of California’s fires? It’s a tragedy any way you look at the fires. Jarrett Stepman, a writer for dailysignal.com (of the Heritage Foundation), wrote a piece about environmentalism and these fires, entitled: “Environmentalist Policies Are Exacerbating Wildfires. It’s Time to Rethink Forest Management.” Jarrett Stepman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the possibility that well-meaning environmental practices keep California from better controlling these fires. www.dailysignal.com