Vocal Point-Jarrett Stepman

Today the social media big techs censor Infowars’ Alex Jones, a bit of a nutcase—in the opinion of many people. But if they curb his free speech on their platforms, who will they censor tomorrow? Jarrett Stepman, a writer for the Heritage Foundation’s dailysignal.com, wrote an article on this, “Censorship of Infowars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias.” Stepman notes, “Private companies can, of course, censor whomever they like, but the pattern of behavior from Silicon Valley toward speech in general—and continual inability to treat conservative views fairly on their extremely powerful platforms—is rightly concerning to conservatives who use those platforms.” Jarrett Stepman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this growing trend of the social media gatekeepers censoring conservative content.
