Vocal Point-Laura Hollis

Topic:  Attacks Against Pro-Life Centers.

The rule of law was very important to the founders of America. In fact, because he was committed to the rule of law, founding father John Adams took the unpopular stance in 1770 to defend some British soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre. At that trial he famously said, “Facts are stubborn things.” But ever since the Supreme Court leak in early May of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, we’ve seen a wholesale breakdown of the rule of law in America on the part of the left. Abortion rights are so sacred, they reason, that even brute force is okay to resort to in order to maintain them. Laura Hollis is a syndicated columnist and also a professor at the business school of Notre Dame, but the opinions she expresses are her own. She wrote recently about the attacks against pro-life centers, including churches, in the wake of the Dobb decision. Laura Hollis joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the attacks against pro-life centers. www.creators.com