Vocal Point-Mark Beliles
Topic: Socialism in Latin America.
Why is socialism apparently making significant inroads in Latin America these days? In Brazil, in Chile, in Colombia. Not to mention Venezuela, and, of course, Cuba. The serious student of history cannot find any spot on planet earth where socialism or its more violent form, Communism, has actually fed people, clothed them, brought prosperity, and so on. And yet, just in the last year or so, some Latin American governments seem to be voting in politicians who promise prosperity through socialism. Dr. Mark Beliles, with whom I had the privilege to co-write a book, Doubting Thomas, on the faith or lack thereof of Thomas Jefferson, is the president of the American Transformation Company, which is dedicated to American renewal through Biblical principles. And this has branched to other countries, including in Latin America, through his Global Transformation Network. The tagline of that network is “Liberating the Nations.” Dr. Mark Beliles joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the rise of socialism in modern Latin America. www.nationaltransformation.com