Vocal Point-Mary Szoch
Topic: Report on Planned Parenthood
Family Research Council has released its annual report on Planned Parenthood. It is entitled, “The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death.” They document how Planned Parenthood:
•performed 350,000+ abortions in the 2019 fiscal year (2019-2020).
•received $618 million of tax payer dollars—38 % of its funding.
•has now become the second-largest dispenser of hormones designed to interfere with normal growth for healthy teenagers struggling with gender dysphoria.
•spent tens of millions of dollars supporting politicians—with $0 going to Republicans.
Mary Szoch, Director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, is the author of the report. She noted, “Based on Planned Parenthood’s yearly increase in the number of abortions they commit and the decrease in the number of abortions committed nationally, Planned Parenthood is becoming more and more of an abortion monopoly.” Mary Szoch joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this update on Planned Parenthood. www.frc.org