Vocal Point-Micaiah Bilger
Topic: Prolife Update.
Abortion is constantly in the news because it’s such an important topic. America’s founders said our first right granted us by our Creator is the right to life. But abortion is at war with that right. Lifenews.com is a steady source of information regarding abortion, and Micaiah Bilger writes many of the articles for lifenews.com. For example, in the last half year we’ve seen an assault on prolife centers and sometimes even churches, mostly Catholic, for their prolife stance. One of Micaiah’s articles begins: “A man injured himself this month while allegedly trying to steal a statue of St. Michael the Archangel from a church in Mexico, tripping and falling onto the statue’s sword.” Micaiah Bilger joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss a potpourri of current abortion-related news. www.lifenews.com