Vocal Point-Michael Caputo
TOPIC: Attacks on Kavanaugh’s character
Some view the attempt to assassinate the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, nominee to the Supreme Court, as a low point in our country. Ironically, Matt Damon portrayed Kavanaugh on SNL in satire, and yet just a year ago, the liberal actor said how he would fight tooth and nail against any false sexual accusation: “It would be scorched earth!…You’re not taking my name and reputation from me, I’ve worked too hard for it and I earned it and you can’t just blow me up like that.” Meanwhile, former Trump Campaign Advisor, Michael Caputo says “Kavanaugh is the dress rehearsal for impeachment.” President Trump questioned some of Kavanaugh-accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s credibility, and for that he is being criticized by many. Michael Caputo joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the Kavanaugh story and what’s at stake. @MichaelRCaputo