Vocal Point-Patti Garibay
Topic: The Girl Scouts and Political Correctness
Have the Girl Scouts gotten too liberal these days? Should we support them any longer by purchasing their cookies? Patti Garibay was active with the Girl Scouts for 13 years, and she was disheartened in 1995—when it was clear that girls could commit to God or to whatever deity or no deity as they wish in the Girl Scouts. Garibay asserts, “The Girl Scouts have lost their moral compass. The Girl Scout’s organization continues to engage in left-wing political activism, exposing young girls to liberal politicians and promoting their ideology.” Indeed, recently, the organization rewarded a young Girl Scout for her efforts to promote abortion. Garibay has since founded American Heritage Girls, which is now found throughout the country and beyond and boasts 50,000 members. Patti Garibay joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss political correctness and the Girl Scouts, plus her positive alternative, American Heritage Girls. www.americanheritagegirls.org
[an encore presentation]