Vocal Point-Paul Blair

Rev. Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma used to play with the Chicago Bears in the 1980s and with the Vikings in 1990. He speaks at seminars under the banner of Reclaiming America for Jesus Christ. Recently, Blair wrote an open letter to the NFL, protesting the NFL protests of the National Anthem. He notes: “As a vested NFL veteran, whose pension rests on the solvency of the National Football League, I have watched one misguided athlete infect much of the league with the poison of his false narrative, and it has put all of our financial futures at risk.”

Blair concludes, “….alienating America is not a winning strategy. You want a winning strategy? Stand for the flag. Save your kneeling for the cross.” Paul Blair joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the recent NFL protests of the National Anthem. www.fairviewbaptistedmond.org