Vocal Point-Paul Jonna

Topic: Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates.

Are vaccine mandates constitutional? So far a handful of judges have said no. On Sunday night, November 28, a three panel of justices from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked a vaccine mandate from going into effect in the San Diego School District. The Thomas More Society brought this appeal and they write about the court’s emergency ruling here. Paul Jonna, special counsel for the Thomas More Society, was the lead attorney in this case, which centered around an exemption being denied for religious reasons, while exemptions were allowed for several secular reasons. He says, “We are very pleased with the Ninth Circuit’s grant of the rare remedy of emergency injunctive relief pending appeal, which prevents the San Diego Unified School District’s vaccine mandate – one of the harshest in the nation – from going into operation on November 29, 2021.” Paul Jonna joins Jerry Newcombe as a guest on Vocal Point to discuss this controversy and what’s at stake. www.thomasmoresociety.org