Vocal Point-Rebecca Hatfield
Topic: Coach Kennedy Case (Religious Freedom).
First Liberty Institute, which fights for religious liberty, writes: “In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of former high school football coach Joe Kennedy to take a knee in quiet prayer after football games even if he can be seen by students and the general public. Importantly, today’s decision respects the Constitutional rights of all public-school teachers and coaches to engage in a brief, personal prayer in public.” Responding to this victory, Rebecca Hatfield, the president of a group called 2nd vote writes: “The Supreme Court ruling in favor of Coach Kennedy’s rights to pray and exercise his right to free speech is a huge victory for our country at a time when religious liberties and free speech have been greatly under attack.” Rebecca Hatfield joins Jerry Newcombe to talk about religious liberty and the Coach Kennedy case.