Vocal Point-Rob Schwarzwalder

Topic: the Bible and Homosexuality

Recently a beloved United Methodist Bishop made some attention-getting remarks about accepting homosexuals as they are without repentance. Rob Schwarzwalder, who teaches at Regent University, wrote an article on this, entitled, “This United Methodist Bishop Doesn’t Understand the Bible.” In the article, Schwarzwalder compassionately explains the three different types of law in the Old Testament and how they relate to today. He concludes, “Christians must obey the biblical teaching as a matter of discipleship. Unbelievers must recognize the moral law they must obey but can’t. But the God who gave the law gives us the grace to obey it, by accepting His payment for our sins and the new life promised through His resurrection.” Rob Schwarzwalder joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the Bible, Old Testament law, and homosexuality. @SchwarzSpeaks