Vocal Point-Steve Moore

Steve Moore
Steve Moore

Steve Moore is an economist and serves as FreedomWorks Senior Economic Contributor. He is also an economic advisor to Donald Trump’s campaign. Steve co-wrote the new book, Fueling Freedom on the importance of energy (gas, oil, coal). Steve said recently, after the allegations of womanizing by the GOP presidential candidate: “I have been asked a dozen times by news reporters over the last week: ‘Do you still support Donald Trump?’ Trump’s recent actions and words have not only left every Republican (and Democrat) offended, but sent many running for the Left’s hills. But, what most are forgetting, at the end of the day, if you believe both candidates are ‘louts,’ why not vote for the lout who won’t destroy our economy and energy industry?” Steve Moore joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the economy and the election. www.fuelingfreedomproject.org