Vocal Point-Susan Michael
Topic: Israel at 75 Years Old.
May 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the birth of modern Israel. In 1988, on its 40th anniversary, Uri Dan wrote a book called, To The Promised Land: The Birth of Israel, and the book notes, “In July 1947 nearly 5000 Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust boarded a ship whose fateful journey would change the course of world history. Its name was the Exodus, and its destination was Palestine, passageway to the Promised Land.” George Washington and other early leaders envisioned America as a place where Jews could find peace and safety and live in harmony. Susan Michael is the US Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. She said of this important milestone: “May of 2023 is a really momentous occasion in Israel’s history. She turned 75 years old, and she’s not just survived for 75 years. She’s thriving. And there is so many things that we can celebrate at this time.” Susan Michael joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss Israel at 75. www.icejusa.org