Vocal Point-Tim Winter

Is there a link between TV violence (including video games) and some of the school shootings or violence in society in general? In “A Dress Rehearsal for Tragedy,” The Parents Television Council reports, “On a nightly basis, the publicly-owned airwaves are a toxic environment awash with depictions of violence and gun violence. Despite the spate of tragic events in recent years, violence and gun violence on prime-time broadcast television have actually increased proportionally since Newtown. And that is not even taking into account the far greater violence routinely visible on cable, satellite, and internet streaming offerings, which typically are far more heavily-laden with violent content. As a result, the problem of television violence is even greater than this report suggests.” Tim Winter, the president of the Parents Television Council President, joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this issue, especially in the wake of the Parkland school shooting. www.parentstv.org