Vocal Point-Virginia Prodan

Topic: Election Integrity

“Biden won. Trump lost. Trump is just acting like a sore loser,” effectively say many in the media and our ruling class. Stephanie Murphy (D-Florida), whose family fled Vietnam in the late 1970s, is a U. S. Representative in the greater Orlando area. She said, “My family fled a communist dictatorship, so I’ve never taken America’s democracy for granted. The President’s claims of election fraud are discredited and dangerous, nothing more than a cynical attempt to subvert the will of the American people.” But Virginia Prodan, originally from the Communist country of Romania, is disturbed by America’s seeming lurch toward socialism. She knows what “elections” are like in communist countries. She is disturbed by what seems to be massive attempts to steal the recent Presidential election. In her book, Saving My Assassin, discussed in a previous Vocal Point segment, Virginia told her amazing story, including how God saved her life when the Romanian dictator sent an assassin against her. Virginia Prodan rejoins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to warn Americans against the dangers of socialism, including fraudulent elections. www.virginiaprodanbooks.com