Vocal Point-Walker Wildmon
Topic: Merchants and Christmas
The American Family Association (AFA) based in Tupelo, Mississippi and founded by Don Wildmon, wants us to remember the real reason for the season of Christmas. Each year vendors in America generally make more money because of the birth of Jesus than any other time of the year, yet some companies bow the knee to political correctness and therefore avoid the word “Christmas.” “There are secular forces in our country that hate Christmas because the word itself is a reminder of Jesus Christ,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “They want to eradicate anything that reminds Americans of Christianity. That is why it is important to remind both governments and corporations to keep the word Christmas alive. AFA wants to keep Christ in Christmas and Christmas in America.” Walker Wildmon, the son of Tim and the assistant to the president of the AFA, joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the “Naughty or Nice” list compiled by the AFA. www.afa.net