Vocal Point-William J. Federer
Christmas and the Presidents.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of year—above all, the time when we remember the greatest gift ever given, of the Son of God who came to die for our sins and provide eternal life for all who believe. Many presidents have had great insights on the subject of Christmas. Author and speaker Bill Federer has compiled many quotes from key leaders in American history, including some presidents on the subject of Christmas. Who can top this one from Reagan in 1983? “Some celebrate Christmas as the birthday of a great teacher and philosopher. But to other millions of us, Jesus is much more. He is divine, living assurance that God so loved the world He gave us His only begotten Son so that by believing in Him and learning to love each other we could one day be together in paradise.” Bill Federer joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss Christmas and the presidents. www.americanminute.com
Originally Published December 19, 2022