May 9, 2024

Vocal Point-Robert Borelli

Topic: Drugs Versus Religion and Morality.

John Adams famously said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” But today we are awash with irreligion and immorality. Because of the widespread abandonment of Christianity in our culture, many have been indirectly seeking the divine (without knowing it) by using drugs. Drugs have become their god. Meanwhile, our nation’s wide open borders are becoming portals for drugs to pour in. And the results are tragic. Robert Borreli is a former drug-addicted, mafia criminal (with the Gambino crime family) who was converted and now is a pastor and the author of a Christian book, The Witness: A Tale of the Life and Death of a Mafia Madman, co-written by H. Scott Hunt. Robert Borelli joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss his testimony for Christa and the problem of drugs.