May 2, 2024

New TV Update on SPLC

[Photo by Jerry Newcombe of a part of the SPLC—this particular fountain and the MLK quote is mentioned in the TV piece] D. James Kennedy Ministries notes, “There has never been a time in America where the things we believe as Christians is treated more hostilely by the media, by academia, and by many in government. Yet as the Apostle Paul explained to the Athenians, God has marked out our appointed times in history and the boundaries of our lands. God has placed you and me right here, right now, for such a time as this. On today’s program, we’ll discover how we must conduct ourselves in order to see our nation transformed. And we’ll share some vital new resources that will help you do that.”

This program includes a feature produced by Jerry Newcombe, coming in about 3 minutes from the top, on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which claims that Christian ministries that believe in traditional biblical morality are spreading “hate speech.”