Vocal Point-Dr. James S. Robbins

Topic: Erasing American History

A nation that does not remember its past does not know its future. James S. Robbins, Ph.D., a writer for USA TODAY, has written a new book, Erasing AmericaLosing Our Future by Destroying Our Past. The reason he wrote the book is described this way: “In towns and cities across America, a tidal wave of social activism is systematically erasing pieces of American history. Driven by the relentless Left, activists destroy monuments, burn flags, ban American literature, and disregard the national anthem. Before long, there will no longer be monuments dedicated to American heroes, no stories that praise them. The United States will have become a dark chapter in human history, best forgotten.” David Horowitz endorses the tome, calling it “a richly informed book about the campaign to demonize America by erasing and then rewriting its history.” Dr. James S. Robbins joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss why the struggle to understand America’s true past is important to the present and the future. @James_Robbins

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