Vocal Point-Rev. Dean Nelson

Topic: “Pro-choice” Pastor

Can you be a Christian and “pro-choice” on the subject of abortion? Rev. Raphael Warnock is a candidate for the U.S. Senate to represent Georgia. He is one of the four candidates in the heated Georgia runoffs for January 5, 2021. Re. Warnock claims to be a “pro-choice pastor,” and claims he will “always fight for reproductive justice.” A group of about 50 pro-life ministers in Georgia have written him an open letter challenging that idea: “Abortion is fundamentally in conflict with the plain reading of the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches that human life is created by God beginning at conception. As Psalm 139 proclaims: ‘You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wonderfully and fearfully made.’ What human being could possibly have the right to blot out an innocent life that God has wonderfully and fearfully made?” Rev. Dean Nelson, the executive director of Human Coalition Action, is one of the signatories of this open letter. Rev. Nelson joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the inherent conflict of being a “pro-choice pastor.” www.hucoaction.org