Vocal Point-Ray Comfort
Evangelist and film producer Ray Comfort has made Internet films seen by several million people, including 180 the Movie (about...
Evangelist and film producer Ray Comfort has made Internet films seen by several million people, including 180 the Movie (about...
Richard Simmons III There is a disturbing trend right now on many college campuses. Richard Simmons III wrote a book...
What the state of Oregon is doing against Sweet Cakes by Melissa is draconian. They are fining them $135,000 because...
Steve Moore Steve Moore of Freedom Works Two big budget showdowns are looming in Washington in the weeks ahead: a. ...
It has been said that “religion is box office poison.” Mel Gibson disproved that 11 years ago with The Passion...
Every week there is a new story of Judeo-Christian values under fire. A high school football coach in trouble for...
Harry Mihet grew up as the son of an evangelical pastor in Communist Romania. All his life he wanted to...
Terry Bomar gives his personal testimony for Christ---from drugs to Jesus. Today he works with troubled youth to point them...
John Philip Sousa IV of 2016 Campaign joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the incredible poll numbers of Dr. Ben Carson,...