Vocal Point-Timothy Head
Topic: Issues at Stake in the Upcoming Elections America is an experiment in ordered liberty, in a government ruled by...
Topic: Issues at Stake in the Upcoming Elections America is an experiment in ordered liberty, in a government ruled by...
Topic: Christianity Seen in the Eight Paintings of the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Does America have Christian roots? Critics say no....
Topic: Is Abortion Safe for Women? America was founded on the principle that God has endowed us with rights—and the...
These are crazy times. How does one retain sanity in these tumultuous days? Read the world’s best seller---and read it...
Topic: Anti-Semitism at Columbia and Beyond. In 1754, in New York City, King's College was established. They advertised for the...
Don't miss Dr. Jerry Newcombe's sermon on 4/21/24 on, "Jesus Opens Our Eyes," on Mark 8:22-26, on how Jesus cured a...
Topic: Climate Change Alarmism. Can American sovereignty as designed by the founders in the Constitution be undermined by emergency measures...
Topic: Religious Freedom at Risk. America’s founders wrote in the first amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment...
Topic: Dealing with Islam. America was founded on a Judeo-Christian base. But people of all faiths are welcome here and...