Vocal Point-Tim Head
Topic: The Virginia Governor’s Race.
Virginia has voted liberal in the last few elections. But now the governor’s race seems razor thin close. Could this be because of Joe Biden’s sagging numbers? In addition, the Democrat candidate for governor, former governor Terry McAuliffe, said recently, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Many big guns are politicking for McAuliffe, including former President Obama, who said, “We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped up culture wars, this fake outrage that right-wing media pedals to juice their ratings.” In reaction to Obama’s comment, conservative columnist and radio host Ben Shapiro said, “Sorry, but McAuliffe saying that parents shouldn’t be in charge of their children’s education and the Loudon County school board lying to parents about sexual assaults in bathrooms isn’t ‘trumped up cultural wars.’” Tim Head is the Executive Director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and he joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this important election, which could be an indicator of what is to come in the 2022 midterms. www.ffcoalition.com