Vocal Point-Dr. Joe Malone
Many people today hold a view of gender fluidity. You might be a boy one day and a girl the...
Many people today hold a view of gender fluidity. You might be a boy one day and a girl the...
A long-time counseling minister, Dave Carder, serves at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, CA, where Chuck Swindoll was the...
Sadly, marriage has fallen on hard times today in the West. This is ironic because social scientific research documents that...
A long-time counseling minister, Dave Carder, serves at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, CA, where Chuck Swindoll was the...
How important is marriage today? Why are so many millennials not choosing marriage? Dr. Paul Chappell and his wife Terrie...
Anne Paulk heads up Restored Hope Network, which is a consortium of Christian ex-gay groups. It has replaced Exodus. Anne...
Melody Wood of the Heritage Foundation Recently, the governor of Georgia vetoed legislation that would have protected the conscience rights...
Jackie Bledsoe, author of The 7 Rings of Marriage Jackie Bledsoe know what it is like to have a difficult...
Evangelist and film producer Ray Comfort has made Internet films seen by several million people, including 180 the Movie (about...